


Self is the only constant. Impossible to escape or reject, its the only constant companion. Be a person that you actually like and admire. To be imprisoned with someone that you neither like or respect would be a living (and sleeping) hell.

To reflect and question oneself leads to personal growth. Be the sort of person that evolves and most importantly be kind and treat both yourself and others well.

Having been on the receiving end of some crazy, unkind and vindictive behaviour for an extended period of time, it’s debilitating. What sense of self has the other person and how much must their system be poisoned? Still learning, I am improving my ability to deflect what is mainly subtle manipulative psychological abuse.

I come back to ‘self’, my core values, morals and the way that I want to live my life. I choose to visualise a glass cylinder around me which keeps me safe. I make the choice to disallow this negative energy to affect all the positive things in my life. And there are many.

I like my ‘self’. I get a little lost sometimes but I always find my way back as my inherent values and sense of who I am are strong.




True love is unconditional, zero expectation. It’s a wholehearted love, adoration, unselfish.

Unconditional love about communication. If you love someone truly, and if you’re a good person, then you want to see the other person happy and flourishing, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Communication is kind and lacks judgement. There’s no room for mind games, no time to withhold how you feel, no space to create doubt in the other. It’s about honest and transparent communication of feelings, the alternative is about control.

Unconditional love is not complete without self-love. Security and self belief are a good foundation to love another. It means you’re already whole and don’t need to take from another to feel good. It’s loving someone deeply for who they are, not for what they do for you.

Conditional love waits for a return. It leads to resentment, bitterness and disappointment if expectations are not met, unattractive qualities.

Conditional ‘love’ is not love in my eyes. Conditions mean control and control is not a way to love. Control is dissatisfaction, it’s a desire for change, manipulation and that’s a warped type of love. Manipulation is abusive, it plays with another soul, it’s confusing and isolating. NOT love.

Conditional love is not love. Unconditional love is where it’s at.