


Intuition can be an intense inner feeling of knowing. Often it won’t make sense as it operates between conscious and unconscious thought so pay attention to your dreams.

It doesn’t tell you what you want to hear but rather what you need to hear. It can be a deep gut feeling, a sense, a feeling of knowing that can’t be explained, something doesn’t feel quite right, listen. It can be a whisper or a scream. I am accustomed to the whisper, it’s reassuring. I’ve also had volume and I’ve tried to ignore it, it was very unsettling and I wasn’t open to it, I didn’t want to know. In the end, intuition was accurate resulting in a massive life change. Pay attention, always.

I had physical signs too, repetitive things happened that could not be cast off as coincidence. There were strong visual signals, not surprising given that I connect best with imagery. They threw me off course, but I attempted to provide myself with explanations and hastily tried to store them away out of sight. Those images played on my mind and I revisited them often, not by choice, again quickly moving them out of my thoughts as soon as they entered.

The feeling can be intense because in your heart and gut you know that something is wrong, there’s an overwhelming feeling of danger. It can also be the opposite, a warm feeling of inner peace because you know it’s all going to be okay. Some people see or hear things and others feel them.

Being present filters out distraction, making it easier and clearer to listen to intuition. So clear the life clutter, sit still and quiet and listen.