


There’s a cost to avoidance. A fallout. Although it may provide temporary relief, in the long term it creates carnage.

When ignoring, avoiding and disrespecting your own personal values and anchors, you’re in a storm, swept out to sea, vulnerable. Some people never find their way back, set out on a path of self destruction. Avoidance can manifest itself into a cluster fuck of epic proportions, a big knarly tangled mess. 

That’s extreme. The extreme end of the scale. Avoidance is normal, to not want to confront things that are uncomfortable or foreign. But isn’t that where growth lies? Something that makes you want to run, could be the one thing that you really need. Turn around and give it your time, assess it, walk toward it, contemplate and work with the gifts being shown to you. Then if necessary, walk away for a while, but come back, come back and address it. That’s if it’s worth your time and energy.

Avoiding intuition is difficult as your gut knows, and so does your soul. At the heart of intuition, there’s truth, a crystal clear truth. It’s still a choice whether to see crystal clear or sea fog, to stay anchored or drift out to sea. 

Avoidance can be a show of weakness, a weakness of character. It can also be a sign of arrogance, to rise above and choose to ignore that which is not worthy. It can be a temporary state, a process, to avoid, take time, then come back in a strong position. Strong does not mean cold, but with an open heart, a willingness and desire to communicate.

Avoidance is escapism, hiding out, not communicating, internalising. With silence, comes pain. Avoidance is losing your voice swallowing your speech, running. Avoid long-term and it will chip away, piece by piece at your values, setting you off course, away from the anchor, out to sea. 

Avoidance will cost you - it will cost you your truth.