


What’s a rock? Well it’s solid, obviously. It’s unusual in shape, one of a kind, it’s not going anywhere. It bares weight, it’s important, it commands attention either quietly or more overt, it’s significant, always there to fall back on. Never take advantage of the rocks in your life.

The number of true rocks in my life can be counted on one hand over a lifetime. There’s been a couple of fake ones, shrouded by all the capabilities of a rock, gutting in the long run.

One rock of mine is so solid it almost creates paralysis. It’s robust, dependable, crushes my spirit and sometimes I allow it. There’s such a lifelong pattern that’s so familiar yet so uncomfortable with me, who I am, and my life, yet it’s been there so long and I have so much love for it that I can never turn my back on it. Not ever. I just have to find ways to manage it with the person that I have become.

There’s another rock, it’s rock solid, knows all there is to know about me, every flaw, every twist, every turn and yet it’s still there, super strong, and will be for life. I adore this rock, it knows what I’m thinking before I do, it contacts me when it intuitively knows I’m in pain, it’s felt it first. I’m sure we have met before. No doubt. We’ve laughed, so very hard, pee your pants type laughing, but we’ve also cried. Buckets.

There’s another two rocks, they have my back for life. They accept my quirks, appreciate the humour, even when it purposely crosses the line and love me for me. At my darkest points, these two have been there, every time, first. And my god do we laugh.

There’s a new rock, well, about 6 years old. It’s grounded, has taught me so many life lessons. So wise, this rock, definitely been here before. Life’s been dark, but this rock has navigated through it. Inspiring, on every level. They’ve met their soul-mate and I could not be happier for them.

There, 5 rocks. There’s been others but these 5 are it for me. Lifelong angels.