


How to stay grounded when the whole world is literally, grounded. Planes sit still in uniform lines on the tarmac. Silent, solitary, grounded.

New Zealand has never felt like such an island, a safe haven. Isolated from the rest of the world, there’s a comfort in that. It makes me feel grounded.

As I sit quietly in lockdown, I feel freer than I have felt for quite some time. Feeling peaceful and grateful, I am calm in my own self with the knowledge that I am okay. I am not trying to control, this cannot be, I am relaxing with what is, whatever that might be.

Creatively, I feel more open, in contrast to being grounded, there’s a healthy artistic frenzy happening that has ignited something in me that has been asleep for a while. Dancing around the edges, I have not been my best creative self. I think I might be now.

Grounded in my ‘self’. I am happy in the feeling of that.




To contemplate is to sit back, to allow time to move slowly. It’s a depth of thought, detached from outcomes, a letting go.

To hold so tight to the things that create the most joy, can destroy them. To relax the hold, sets them free. There’s no guarantee that they will not become so out of reach or disappear altogether but strangling a thing, person or a situation is controlling and will cause inevitable death anyway. So let go.

Letting go is painful but also freeing, it puts you first in your world, acknowledging your being as the essence, not some love drug that’s momentary, causing highs and lows, but you, the constant.

It’s a strange irony that a feeling of being let go or given space, causes a reaction that tightens your grip. Push and pull power play, it’s gone, you want it, it’s there, you don’t. Acknowledge what you want, what you need, peacefully, in your own space, without the ups and downs, minus the fog.

Quietly, let go.